Thu 02 Jan
NEW————— V!S!T!NG ———— ஐ ———— E X O T I C ———— ஐ ———— PERFECT———— ஐ———— HOTT!E ——— - 26
(Las Vegas, My discrete place in Las Vegas.)
Nude Massage&Escort; w/Sexy Asian Ts (INCL) - 29
(Las Vegas, 15S. Intrst-West Tropic-Behind Excalibur)
💖PASsABle 💖((((( 💖uniQue _______ ***SiN ciTy*** ________ SNoW💖💖BUnNY💖 ))))) - 22
(Las Vegas, The Strip(incalls & outcalls Available))
PRETTY ASIAN-DOLL: ⎝ ⏝ ⎠ SEXY MODEL ___________ ________ _____ ____ 949-228-9869_ - 25
(Las Vegas, East OF STRIP by FLAMGO, STRIP)
NEW————— V!S!T!NG ———— ஐ ———— E X O T I C ———— ஐ ———— PERFECT———— ஐ———— HOTT!E ——— - 26
(Las Vegas, Las Vegas, My discrete place in Las Vega)
!!!!All American Beauty!!!! Beautiful upscale ts in town for men with Exceptional taste!! - 22
(Las Vegas, vegas)
1000% real TS KIRA the model , babe , sexy , exotic , gorgeous entertainment VISITING - 23
(Las Vegas, Lv strip)
♥$80 Special♥Sexy, Very Passable, Natural Beauty♥I♡White boys ~100% Real Pix No Disappointments! - 24
(Las Vegas, ♥Paradise Rd.-- Behind The Wynn Hotel♥)
80 Special. Beautiful Passable loveable Ts Kourtney 8"Cut FF 5"5 125lb No Games or Disappointments - 24
(Las Vegas, W. Tropicana- 5 mins from Strip)