Mon 27 Jan
[====_* COME * CLEAR * YOUR * MIND * WITH* CLARIDY *_====] ask 4 pis - 19
(¯`._. JuST ViSiTiNG ೋ AMaZiNGLy BeauTiFuL aSiAn CoVeRGiRL ೋ CALL ME._.´¯) - 22
(Costa Mesa, Santa Ana)
SEXY CARMEN (100$/hr) HUGS & KISSES xoxoxo all night pure pleasure xoxoxoo - 24
(Sarasota, Bradenton)
🏃🏼 Ready Now 💋👑 📲 ♡DσNт Mιδδ Oυт🔥 💎✨F l a w l e s s💕👑🐝100%R⃣E⃣A⃣L⃣★😈👅💦 Petite & Charming 🙈⏳ - 25
-- ♥- HOT-♥- SEXY -♥- G* F* E- ♥- private* Incall / Outcall all Houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
Big Booty Jaw Dropping Specials$50!!! 404❤493❤6300 - 22
(Elvis presley✔No Outcalls✔my place, Memphis)
Hot, Sweet, Sexy, & Ready 2 Play With A Naughty Boy! Come Join Me! Avail. 24-7! - 26
> > > B E A U T I F U L _________ E U R O P E A N ___________ M O D E L - 22
(405 /55 MacArthur . . . INCALL)
Beautiful ♥ Upscale ♥ Reviewed ♥ The Gentlemen's #1 Escort Agency Choice! ● - 21
(Memphis and Tunica)
~* Beautiful Ladies ~ Memphis Best Are Providing Stress Relief~ Special Pricing*~
(Entire Memphis and Tunica)
..R U ReADY TO PlAy WiTH ThIS EXotic IslANd QuEEN Im REady to FUllFill All Your WiLdEst DReam - 28
(, Cranston,Providence,Warwick)
Come Relax New Years Eve With Me Bubbles(outcalls) - 25
(Columbus, columbus, Newark and surrounding areas)
{" Hott!!! Sexy Costa Rican With A Jamaican Twist"} "Sexy In All The Right Places" - 36
(Baker Rd. I-10 and Fry Rd.)
Amazing BLOND Blue EYED CLASSY ASSS Dr. Blond the HOT ROD Tune UP Specialist! - 40
(John Wayne Airport-Santa Ana-Irvine)
~ ~ ~ ~ S E X Y*I N* T O W N *C A L L *N O W* B E F O R E *I S* T O O* L A T E ***** 941.306.7466 - 19
(Sarasota/ University Area)
click here......IF Your Craving Chocolate here 120 special - 21
(eastside pvt residence)
I'm At Your Finger Tips Give Me A Call And I Do The Rest!! :o -------------> 8:00PM -7:00AM - 21
(Staten Island, WE COME TO YOU)
P _ _R _F _ _C _T __ ((( TiGHT ))) __ BODY! __ ((( 38DD ALINA ))) _Last Day In Town !! - 24
(Warwick incall * Leaving Sunday Nite *)
—————— ▒ One Spa ▒ —————— Relax Your Mind and Arouse your Body at 401-274-1565 - 23
(, providence, ri)
~*Are You Wanting To Be Pleased & Excited Beyond Your Imagination ~ Special Prices ~ Then Call Us!*~
(Memphis and Tunica)
HOT SEXT TRINIDADIAN head MONSTER loves getting my tonsils punish
(Bronx, East Tremont/southern blvd/in and out ca)
Mistress Pheonix & friends 4 Fetish Fantasy & Play. Special price to tease & tempt 4 all save $125 - 27
(Long Island, 35-37 LIE)
::..-*¨¨*.. Beautiful Ladies ~ Aiming To Please ~ Special Prices ::*¨¨*-..:: -
(Memphis and Surrounding Area)
P _ _R _F _ _C _T __ ((( TiGHT ))) __ BODY! __ ((( 38DD ALINA ))) _IN TOWN NOW !!!*** - 24
(Warwick incall * Boston Incall)
~ ~ ~ S P E C I A L S ~ ~ ~ C A L L * N O W * B A B Y * * * P U E R T O * R I C A N ! ! ! - 23
HOT!!!! !!!! SEXY!!!!!! !!!! OUTSTANDING!! HOLIDAY SPECIAL!! FUN!!!!! FOR!!!!! YOU!!!!!! IXOXOXO - 20
*~*☆: BEAUTIFUL, SEXY and FUN LADIES ♔ :☆*~*. Special Prices ~ ♔ - 21
(Memphis, Tunica and Surrounding Areas)
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤☆ SARASOTA's Must-Visit place!❤❤❤ Check out our Beautiful Staff!!❤❤❤ STAR SAUNA ☆❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 24
(4221 26 St. West, Bradenton, FL, Sarasota)
~ ~ ~ * * * S U P E R * H O T * A N D * S E X Y * P U E R T O * R I C A N ******** - 23
HOTT XStaX *¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* PORCELAIN *-:¦:-* *¨¨*100% **@*"*REDD*"* - 25
(North Houston & Woodlands; Kingwood area)
HoTT *** Brunette *** G ** F ** E ** =_♥_= -:¦: Private Incall SW area/ outcall all houston - 30
(SW galleria area incall/outcall houston)
__ ■ S E X Y ____ E U R O P E A N ____ R E A L ____ Y O U LL ___ L O V E M E - 21
(___ university safe upscale, Sarasota)
**ADDICTING LaTiNA ~~~~DONT MISS out~~~ ------- in ANAHEIM. available till 8pm LAST DAY - 32
(Orange County, Anaheim)
♥★NeW ♥★*HoT SeXy Blonde ♥★1OOO% ReAL PiCs GuRaNTeeD ♥★CuTe FaCe ♥★SMaLL WAiSt ♥★ - 25
(Providence, 💋 💋 INCALLS BLONDE 💋 💋)
P _ _R _F _ _C _T __ ((( TiGHT ))) __ BODY! __ ((( 38DD ALINA ))) _LeaVing SuNdAy 18th - 24
(Warwick incall * Leaving Sunday Nite *)
Aaapris ~ bestmphsescort ~ ATTACKS ~ AIM Entertainment ~ mphsbestescort ~ AGAIN
(Memphis and Surrounding Area)
S E N S U A L * A N D * S E D U C T I V E * P U E R T O * R I C A N* F O R * Y O U * P A P I - 23
(Sarasota/University Area)
**ADDICTING LATINA ~~~~DONT MISS OUT~~~ «Specials 80 » in Anaheim ** available till 930pm last day - 32
(Orange County, Anaheim)